Another Comic Con Film school has wrapped! This was year 6, and it was fabulous to meet and talk to a hole new group of future film makers. I'm always impressed by the questions we get asked, and the enthusiasm everyone has toward this art. I can't wait to see what people shoot!
Thanks for comin' by, and thanks to my panelists for making it another great four days!
I recently joined Vimeo, and uploaded Salamander as a test to see what they're like.
These guys have a very cool approach to their community. It's strictly for original content, so you don't have tons and tons of anime, fan-mashed to the same Evanescence song. I also dig the fact that you don't have to limit your total run time to 10 minutes, (which is why I've never posted Salamander on Youtube.) And the playback looks pretty good.
But, since it's here now, I should probably say a few words about this video. (Although if you worked on it, you've already lived this next paragraph.) :)
Salamander is a podcast I wrote a while back, while going through an esoteric phase. It's a little LA crime story between two girls. One of them, DICE, is a criminal, who's been caught by the FBI. The mob doesn't want her to flip on them, so they try to have her killed. The other girl, CREEP, is someone from Dice's childhood...someone she couldn't stand as a kid, but is now the only person who can keep her safe.
Ultimately, it was written as a 22 episode podcast, (that wound up as a very confusing read,) but shortly after I finished the first draft, XBOX announced a competition. They were calling for pilots. The pilot had to be 15 minutes or less in length, and if selected, you'd get a 6 episode commitment on XBOX Live. So, being the crazy person I am, I somehow got a lot of great people together for a marathon 7 week schedule...shooting over two weekends, and doing post and VFX for another 4. I managed to get the DVDs into the mail mere moments before the cut-off, and then two months later, Xbox chose a show called "Bouche Dags."
But, what we wound up with was this little pilot, which shows off a huge amount of very fast, very good work by a lot of my friends!
Oh damn...I think this one may be even funnier than the first. Again, this was made by my friend, Ben Hansford, starring Dan Thron, and made with the help of several folks from my Writer's Group. Have a look.