Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kraken Xmas Presents!

My sister wins! Her gift to me this Xmas was a pair of t-shirts:

Now, obviously, I love t-shirts. I've spent more than a lot of money at, but these are particularly apropos for a show-nerd like myself! The Kraken t-shirt is taken from a French pen and wash circa 1801, which makes it extra cool in the pedigree department!

The Nosferatu shirt is obviously an image of Herr Maximilian from Murnau's seminal film. AND IT GLOWS IN THE DARK. (Who wants to touch me?)

I also got a bit of chuckle when I saw Max peeking out over the top of my sweatshirt.

(I feel like a Vampire Kangaroo.)

I didn't get my sister anything nearly this cool. :(


deepstructure said...

now those are some awesome presents. your sis is too cool.

Sean Rourke said...

Yeah, she is. And I love how your blog is all thoughtful and introspective, and mine is like "I got cool presents!"