Monday, June 21, 2010

The Book of Eli is on video!

I know a lot of people missed this one while it was in the theaters, so I wanted to recommend it as a rental...not just because I worked on it, but because it's a damn fun movie. When I came onto the project (which was toward the end,) the first thing I asked was to see the film. The opening seven minutes were great, I was excited by the end of the first twenty, and when it was all over, I was thrilled to be working on a GOOD movie.

So by all means, rent it, netflix it, iphone it. It's a lot of fun.

My Mom took this of me over Xmas when I was in Omaha. I was excited because it was the first poster I'd seen for the movie in an actual theater. No idea why I look so somber...maybe I was getting psyched up for being snowed into the house for the next 3 days. :)

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